FROM: 03 September 2020 TO: 03 September 2020
Please note that the ESTA 2020 AGM will now be held virtually on the 3rd September 2020. We are finalising plans for this event and, bearing in mind voting will be required, certain protocols for attending will be needed to confirm members identity. We will confirm more details of times together with a booking form in the near future.
As part of the AGM process we are looking to fill two Group Chair roles. The Smart Buildings Group Chair role has been vacant for some months and Jes Rutter, having served his term of office is retiring as Chair of the Independent Energy Consultants Group. If either of these roles are of interest to any member can you please email me at I will be able to let you have more details on the role and in the case of the IECg role put you in touch with Jes so that he can discuss the commitment level needed with you. If any more than one candidate for the roles come forward then there will be an election at the AGM.