
Safe water savings on Radio Beat
Category: Podcasts
And what about water quality in green buildings, where savings play a significant role? It turned out that this can be not only useful but also very dangerous.

CRA IoT Summit & Expo 2019 - 2019-06
Category: Pictures

IQRF Summit 2019 - 2019-04
Category: Pictures

IQRF IoT Roadshow @JIC Brno - 2018-10
Category: Pictures

IQRF IoT Roadshow @Plzen - 2018-10
Category: Pictures

IQRF Meetup - 2018-10
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An informal meeting not only with members of the IQRF Alliance.

WirelessUP! training - 2018-06
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CIIRC opening ceremony - 2018-05
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Smart street demo in Prague based on the IQRF wireless technology.

IQRF Summit 2018 - 2018-04
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A two-day conference for users, developers, manufacturers and system integrators of IQRF Ecosystem

M2M Paris - 2018-03
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embedded world 2018 - 2018-02
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IQRF Meetup - 2018-02-01
Category: Pictures

IQRF Seminář ČVUT - 2018-02-01
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IoT seminar Wroclaw - 2017-11-29
Category: Pictures

IoT Summit Warsaw
Category: Pictures

EOT Denmark 2017
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Well-known IoT event in Denmark visited by thousands of business professionals, integrators and developers seeking for the right technology for their use.

IoT Seminar VUT Brno - 2017-10-25
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IoT seminar organized by the IQRF Alliance for students at Brno Technical University.

Meet Up Brno - 2017-10-24
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First informal meetup of IQRF Alliance members and IQRF enthusiasts in Brno.

IoT IDC Forum
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IoT IDC held in Prague was a great opportunity for Simon Chudoba, CEO of the IQRF Alliance, to present "How to build your own wireless network in a couple of days".

IQRF Summit 2017
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IQRF Summit 2017 was the first IQRF Summit and was visited by more than 200 people.

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Vladimír Šulc, CEO of IQRF Tech and the inventor of the IQRF wireless technology, presented new security features of the new generation of IQRF transceivers.

IQRF Alliance Meeting 2017 - HQ of Microsoft
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Medium-sized conference for IQRF Alliance members and all who are interested in the IQRF held in HQ of Microsoft in Czech Republic.

electronica 2016
Category: Pictures
One of the biggest technical exhibitions - electronica, was a great opportunity to show what is the IQRF capable of to thousands of visitors.

Light & Building 2016
Category: Pictures
Light & Building is the biggest lighting exhibition in the world so the IQRF Alliance couldn't miss that.

IQRF Wireless Challenge 2016
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IQRF Wireless Challenge is an every-year contest for students of technical high schools and universities and for IQRF enthusiasts promising interesting awards.

IQRF Conference 2016
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IQRF Conference 2016 was the smaller predecessor of the IQRF Summit.