"The Best Student" competition has its winners
Every year competition organized by the company MICRORISC has finished and knows its winners from high technical schools.
COMEXYS LTD joined the IQRF Alliance
The IQRF Alliance has a new member, it is a manufacturer of the intelligent lighting management systems.
IQRF Tech in Scientific Circle Session 2018
The 8th of June IQRF Tech participated in Scientific Circle Session 2018 at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology.
IQRF application areas
During the years the IQRF wireless technology found application in various types of projects helping in places where using a wired solution is not feasible.
IQRF Alliance as a technical partner of Smart Prague Hack Fest 2018
The IQRF Alliance is the technical partner of Hack Fest 2018 hackathon event in Prague. Contestants who will use IQRF devices in their projects can keep these devices!
New discount vouchers on the IQRF Forum
There are new discount vouchers for members of the IQRF Alliance at
Video: Role of IBM in the IQRF community
Check the new video on the IQRF Youtube channel.
IQRF helps solve roads overload near Škoda Auto
CITIQ, a member of the IQRF Alliance, helps solve roads overload near Škoda Auto in Kvasiny.
Opening ceremony of the "Center of the City of the Future"
IQRF Alliance attended the opening ceremony of the Center of the City of the Future, during which various IoT companies, in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague, conceived a smart street.
New business contacts at JIC: „120 seconds“ event
The IQRF Alliance attended the event called 120 seconds organized by JIC (South-Moravian Innovative Center) and obtained new business contacts for companies interested in the IQRF wireless technology.
New university in the Smart School program
Check information about a new university in the Smart School program.