October and November full of IQRF IoT Roadshow
11 October 2018
Seminars in the IQRF IoT Roadshow are focused on the practical use of the IQRF wireless technology. Attendees learn about the IQRF itself and its use in a theoretical part and then they can try how to build an IQRF wireless network on their desks. Even an amateur can set up a functioning wireless network within minutes and send ready commands to control sensory or relay kits.
Upcoming seminars
IQRF IoT Roadshow @JIC Brno
IQRF IoT Roadshow @Technical University Liberec
IQRF IoT Roadshow @VSB TU Ostrava
IoT seminar in Pardubice
IQRF IoT Roadshow @Krakow University
IQRF IoT Roadshow @CTU in Prague
IQRF IoT Roadshow (2nd) @University of Western Bohemia in Pilsen
Also thanks to the University of Hradec Králové and the University of Western Bohemia in Pilsen for hosting the first two seminars.