Temperature measurement in breeding tanks
31 August 2021
...communicates an article by Mendel University (https://mendelu.cz/34143n-podminky-pro-chov-ryb-se-rychle-meni-vedci-hledaji-nove-cesty), which deals with the topic in more detail.
Representatives of MICRORISC are also interested in the issue from the point of view that they met fish farmers at the Zeme zivitelka exhibition, who often solve problems with monitoring the temperature in their breeding tanks. They also monitor the water level for a significant drop and water-level changes.
The #IQAROS system with Industrial X sensors, which have a temperature sensor in the cable, is ready from the factory and can help with this.
You just place the sensors in tanks, place a repeater in the electricity somewhere in their range, and connect our #IoT gateway to your local computer network. Then you just watch how the temperature develops, and if it exceeds the limits, you will receive an immediate e-mail notification. Nothing the normal user wouldn't manage. Ask for advice - https://iqaros.eu/contact.html.