Media headline: News about the IQRF Alliance
Source: DPS-AZ
Czech technical online magazine published an article with a brief summary of important news about the IQRF Alliance.
Media headline: Simon Chudoba "Beginning with IoT has never been easier"
Simon Chudoba, CEO of the IQRF Alliance, provided an interview to prestigious Czech online magazine
Embedded Computing Design: "Defrosting of coal wagons for power plant with the IQRF"
Well-known technical magazine Embedded Computing Design published an article about case study of Austyn International, member of the IQRF Alliance.
Norway is interested in IQRF Tech Ltd.
As you know, couple weeks ago the IQRF Tech Ltd. was founded to enhance flexibility of the IQRF wireless technology.
AAEON and IQRF in ICC Media newsletter
German technology online magazine shared short news about upcoming AAEON and IQRF webinar in its newsletter.
AAEON and IQRF webinar on Electronic Specifier
Well known technology magazine released an article about the AAEON and IQRF webinar about future IoT solutions, products and projects.
IQRF Summit 2017 in media
We would like to thank the media partners of the IQRF Summit 2017 to support the publicity of this important IoT event.
IQRF Wireless Challenge III in media
We would like to thank the media partners of the IQRF Wireless Challenge III to support the publicity of this contest.
Press release: "The IQRF Summit 2017 witnessed real IoT applications"
The event focused on real solutions for smart cities, buildings, homes, transportation, security and industry was held in Prague on 7 and 8 June 2017.
Media shared information about "Cena bastlířů" contest
Well-known Czech online magazine shared an article about the "Cena bastlířů" contest. The IQRF Alliance is a partner of this contest and it brings valuable prizes to the contest.