GREYCORTEX MENDEL is an advanced network traffic analysis, performance monitoring, threat detection, and deep network visibility solution for enterprise, government, and critical infrastructure. MENDEL uses state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis to make organizations’ IT infrastructure secure and reliable.
Company info:
Name: GREYCORTEX s.r.o.
Street: Purkynova 649/127
City: Brno
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Category: solutions
Status: Available
Manufacturer Name: GreyCortex
Product Version: 3.0
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
GREYCORTEX MENDEL's artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis technology identifies attacks, performance problems, and provides full network visibility to administrators.
When applied to enterprise network security, this technology functions by monitoring network traffic to show malicious and anomalous behavior, repetitive communication, and performance issues (slow traffic, improperly configured devices etc.) MENDEL also analyzes network traffic up to Layer 7 (application layer) so the security team can monitor not just the communication of each individual device on the network (a mobile device for example), but also what application that device is running, and find vulnerabilities like unpatched operating systems, weak encryption, etc. This technology is directly applicable to the problems of IoT security. For the purposes of MENDEL's technology, IoT devices are no different than any other traditional device on the
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