CITIQ Snow gauge
Te snow gauge sensor CSEN3 is a special contact sensor for measuring the properties of snow. The sensor is designed to measure snow depth and snow watery level, both in the open surroundings or on the roofs of buildings (determining the total load). Measurement accuracy can be enhanced by installing multiple sensors in a given territory.
Company info:
Name: CITIQ s.r.o.
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Product ID: CSEN3
Category: end devices
Status: Available
Manufacturer Name: CITIQ s.r.o. / Satturn Holešov spol. s r. o.
Product Version: 1
Power Supply: battery
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
The active part of the sensor has the shape of a cylinder, which measures properties of snow in several tens of layers that in each of them assumes a different density / type of snow. The measured data can then be accessed directly snow depth (value SCE) and so called snow watery equivalent (SVH).
Scanned data are processed in the connected controller, which also ensures the overall functionality of the active part of the sensor. The measurement results are wirelessly transmitted to the collector MASTER and the server. The unit also performs the detection of non-standard conditions, such as the creation of icing or exceeding the set limit values SCE and SVH.
All operating conditions are signaled locally using multicolour beacon.
Power Sensor ensures the entire Li-Ion battery with a planned life of up to one year. The battery can be recharged externally or by a photovoltaic cell.
The sensor is supplied as standard in sizes from 0.48 m; 0.72 m; 0.96 m and 1.2 m tripod for placement on flat or gently sloping roofs, respectively. the terrain.
The sensor is calibrated from the factory and then works as an unattended device. Replacing the battery is recommended after 4 years.
Technical specification:
Supply voltage: 3.7 V
Working temperature: -25 ° C to 85 ° C
Protection: IP65
Frequency: 868 MHz
RF power: Max. 5 mW
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