Software for IoT and Industry 4.0
Software development services, industrial application, intelligent control systems, gateways software.
Company info:
Name: Logimic, s.r.o.
Street: Ve Dvojích 279
City: Jiříkovice
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Category: services
Status: Available
Manufacturer Name: Logimic, s.r.o.
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
Logimic is a software company providing research & development services for industry. Our domain is intelligent systems like control systems, gateways, edge computing, speech and image recognition and more.
We provide these services:
- Product development and deployment e.g. gateway software, control logic software for buildings, machine control systems, special industrial and design software.
- Research & Development of highly sophisticated algorithms or problem solutions e.g. robot control algorithms, sensors algorithms, speech and image recognition.
- Development services and sub-contracting on particular customer solutions like IQRF Daemon V1 & V2 where we provided modular architecture and special components.
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