Sanela - Automatic Wall-mounted Thermostatic Washbasin Tap
Automatic Wall-mounted Thermostatic Washbasin Tap - for Remote Access IQRF (SLU 25Q)
Company info:
Name: SANELA spol. s r.o.
Street: Dukelských Hrdinů 989
City: Lanškroun
Country: Czech Republic
Info about product
Category: end devices
Status: New
Manufacturer Name: Sanela spol. s r.o.
HWPID: -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
Power Supply: 24 V DC
Manuf. Location: Czech Republic
- including IQRF communication module
- economical aerator, rate of flow 6 l/min
- hygienic flush
- suitable for medical facilities
- swivel faucet
- is destined for cold and hot water, temperature is regulated by thermostatic mixer
- safety fuse against scalding
- stop flowing of hot water till 1 s in case of cold water failure
- pressure of hot and cold water must be same
- water is flowing as long as hands are in the active range
- water stops flowing after removal of hands from the active range of sensor after adjustable time delay (can be set in range 0,25 – 7,75 s)
- function of automatic water stop after 5 minut of continuous flow
- START/STOP program
- parameter adjustment using by the remote control SLD 03 or by remote access
Technical Specification
SLU 25Q: water inlet spacing 150 mm
SLU 25KQ: water inlet spacing 100 mm
Operating voltage: 24 V DC
Power input: 3 W
Active range
- standard 0,25 - 0,35 m
- START/STOP program 0,05 - 0,15 m
Recommended flow pressure: 0,1 - 0,6 MPa
Rate of flow: 6 l/min. (inf. data)
Water inlet: male thread G 1/2"
IQRF remote access
- complex and customized project solution
- remote access to individual products
- wireless network for communication with the application
- efficient monitoring of water (soap) consumption
- maximum savings in operating costs
Kl Slu 25q Aj.pdf (PDF, 234.82 kB)
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